Hello third trimester!

Birthing classes. Hospital bag. Contractions. Baby Shower.

You guessed it!


The clock is ticking…rapidly.


Are we ready for this?


It feels like it was just yesterday we were surprising friends and family, giggling over the thought of having a baby. Now, the thoughts are a bit intimidating yet SO fulfilling…I mean, WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A BABY. EEEEE!

Here’s our ongoing to-do list of things and events to enjoy BEFORE baby arrives (hopefully!)

Finish baby nursery

MVP’s Huggies and Chuggies Diaper Party

My baby shower

birthing classes

hospital tour

hospital registration

Spring Break in San Diego!

Give blog a face lift/transfer to blogger

Replace floors in master bedroom

pack hospital bag

Reveal her name (yay!)

March Madness (MVP’s words)

End the school year (yikes)


Create birth plan

A staycation


The list continues but these are top goodies that we would like to complete.

Pretty exciting, eh?

27weeks Collage

I’m greeting these next three months (and these new curves!) with gratitude!

One of my best friends is also preggie and she sent me this! It’s hard to read but worth the squinting!


Thanks Alyssa for the GREAT laugh!

Oh what else has been going on????


Look what the MVP carried in as a surprise last night after work?


I’ve been waking up in pure frustration night after night. MVP has been noticing, rather hearing, my sighs of frustration and decided to put an end to my discomfort. THANK YOU SWEET HUBBY!

I still woke up to pee 3 times but I drifted quickly back to sleep…frustration free.

Ladies (or husbands) this is a MUST buy, in my opinion!

MVP, thank you once again for your thoughtfulness. You make all my days bright!


This may seem super lame, especially to those miracle fit pregnant girls! I always promised myself I’d work out the entire pregnancy and watch every morsel I put in my mouth. Wrong and wrong.

Words of advice? Don’t set your expectations too high.

I’m frickin’ happy just to do this…and even THIS took work.

Where my cheerleaders at?


Oh man, it’s that time again. WORK.

I’d love to keep writing but I should probably save time for a shower.

Stay tuned for lots of excited bizz happening around the blog.

ALSO, follow me on instagram HERE  for more fun stuff!

Hey, happy WEDNESDAY!


ka ka ka katie

2 thoughts on “Hello third trimester!

  1. You look fabulous in that red dress! And wow…u summed up what a to do list is really like in the third trimester (and some people think we can just rest–pssshh!) Great post!

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