Kitchen inspiration!

Saddle up you design lovers! Sh**s about to get CRAZY! The best part about owning a house is being able to decorate it… Although this will take a LONG time of saving and DIY projects, I’ve started the first step…building inspiration. My style has really changed since you last saw our home HERE when I […]

Don’t be blank.

Synonyms for blank: empty, vacant, bare, uncomprehending, void, bemusing. There have been flashes in my life that I felt just blank, lacking all zest and delight for standing up each crisp dawn. I’d find myself witnessing an unearthly sunset; a picturesque scenery full of color, vibrancy, and warmth to my skin. I’d gaze, with no […]

Blog launch

“Okay girls, we’re leaving in 5 minutes!” my mother would shout upstairs. “Where are we goooooooing THIS time?” my sister and I would whine back simultaneously.   “We’re just running a FEW errands.” “Oh no!” we thought. For errands was code for MODEL HOMES. I couldn’t remember my multiplication and division facts, but against my will […]